Thursday 1 December 2011

Jane of all Trades (almost!)

I’m sitting in my room, staring at the wall thinking of all things random. I have an interview to go to tomorrow. Already, I can picture an article that announces me as the CEO of the company (just being a little imaginative). I’m wondering whether I’ll crack the interview. I dread the question “tell me about yourself”. Agreed, I’m not a celebrity, but even I can’t do myself justice in a few lines. There’s more to me (I’d like to think). I must come up with a decent answer to that one, summarize my magnanimous personality into a few precise lines (I’m allowed to have a good opinion of myself). Meanwhile, have to impress the HR. Are first impressions always the last, I wonder. Differs with people, I guess. Must make a good one in the first place, in case she is a little less than friendly.
There is only one way to do that. Dress smart. It’s survival of the trendiest, no two ways about it. With an effort, I get up from the bed and start digging in my cupboard. After a consistent effort, I pull out a shirt that might do. Might. It’s lying on my bed, and I stare at it; critically analyzing every cut, pattern and stitch. I reach a conclusion- the style is outdated. I am now faced by one of life’s greatest dilemmas. What to do with a garment that is too outdated to be worn and not ruined enough to be thrown away? I do the obvious-stash it deep back in the closet, resolving to wear it some other time. Both of us know the chances of that happening are slim, me and the shirt. Now what.  The next step is obvious.  I have no time or energy (patience, actually) to hunt for showrooms from corner of the city to other. I’d rather go where I can find them all under one roof. Phoenix it is.  
Three hours later, I’m back in the room. And happy. Roaming around the floors of Phoenix, looking around the stores was all I needed to unwind. A new shirt from Provogue, and  a pair of shoes from Aldo (spontaneity counts, right?) also deserve a tiny mention. Bottom line of the story is, whether you get selected or not, preparing for an interview sure is fun.

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